baresso on a sleepy sunday

Anne and I had a homework date yesterday, so we went to Baresso in Lyngby. It rained a lot, so we just sat there for 3 hours and talked haha. It has become a bit expensive at Baresso, but I love to go there anyway. We ate late lunch and cake 🙂

Skærmbillede 2013-05-27 kl. 13.07.39


The youtubers Janoskians are coming to Denmark next Thursday. They’re HILARIOUS, so I had to buy tickets! The show is in Vega at 8pm, and there are still tickets on sale. You can buy one HERE. And watch their channel HERE.

They’re 5 guys from Australia. 3 of them are triplets. They are really cute and really funny, so seriously check their videos out!

The Janoskians Set This World On Fire

vegetables smoothie

I wanted to try to make a “green smoothie” – a smoothie made out of vegetables, just to try something different. I found inspiration on THIS site.


I made it out of a banana, a half avocado, frozen blueberries (to make it sweet), a little piece cucumber, juice, milk, greek yogurt and frozen spinach.


It’s really up to you what you want to put in it. Mostly it tastes delicious no matter what! Pineapple is also great in smoothies.


The result was this marsh green colored smoothie, as tasted great!


Har tænkt lidt over, om jeg burde begynde at skrive på engelsk. Jeg skal snart til eksamen i mundtlig engelsk, så det kunne være godt lige at få øvet det mere, end jeg allerede gør på twitter.

Så de næste par uger vil jeg skrive på engelsk. Hvis I gerne vil have, at jeg skifter til dansk igen, må I endelig skrive!
